Why Join Nivano

Why Should You Join Nivano Physicians?

We offer the following to valued provider partners...

Profit Sharing Model

24/7 Provider and Member App

We have a mobile app for providers to easily access quality scores, membership count and payment details.

Robust Incentive Structure

Capitation and FFS available along with several bonus and incentive programs

Quality and HEDIS Toolkit

Our toolkit provides detailed information about the many tools we offer from reporting, EMR integration to member outreach, incentives and transportation.

HEDIS Quality Outreach

This includes notifications for annual visits, medication reminders, and screenings in your preferred language.

Initial Health Assessments

Notifications of enrollment including a description of the available services and your PCP contact information.

HEDIS Quality Outreach

This includes notifications for annual visits, medication reminders, and screenings in your preferred language.


Messages will be sent out reminding Medi-Cal members about possible upcoming Medi-Cal coverage terminations due to missing re-enrollment information.

Initial Health Assessments

Notifications of enrollment including a description of the available services and your PCP contact information.

HEDIS Quality Outreach

This includes notifications for annual visits, medication reminders, and screenings in your preferred language.

How we help our providers successed:

  • We help to Improve Quality Scores
  • Outreach to members on behalf of Providers
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Care Coordination
  • Local Customer Service and Provider Relations

But don’t take it from us, ask our providers!

"I love working hand in hand with Nivano Physicians and appreciate how they really care about the underserved community."

 - Dr. Thiru N. Rajagopal M.D. FACS

"We will always recommend Nivano Physicians because they can more effectively utilize tools and have more resources than other IPA’s. Nivano helps you take a different approach to your practice without sacrificing quality and service excellence."

 - River Bend Medical Associates

"Nivano’s processes help our organization recognize patient trends and if we need to do more member outreach to increase our visits that month."

- Dr. Ravinder Khaira

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