The month of June each year is Men’s Health Month. We want to take time to help bring light to the objectives of recognizing men this month. This month, Nivano Physicians would like to encourage men to get a physical and visit the doctor, start exercising and we want to remind men to take care of their physical and mental health.
Why is Men’s Health Month Important?
We encourage all of our male members to go get checked so you all can feel better. This includes everything from a regular physical to a sprained ankle to excess headaches. Men’s Health Month gets people talking about health, which gets people acting about health. Gyms get joined, appointments get made, and resolutions get promised. One reason men disregard their own health is that they’re too busy taking care of everyone else. What they don’t realize, however, is that if they die early, they’ll be hurting the very people they’ve worked so hard to protect. 1
This Month Encourage Men to Do the Following:
Get a Physical!
Encourage the men in your life to get a physical. Most of the factors that contribute to a shorter unhealthy life are preventable. Prevention starts with seeking out a primary care physician and seeing them regularly, especially on a yearly occurrence. Adult men in the United States visit primary care providers less than women. Establishing baselines for factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and prostate cancer, will enable the provider to catch potentially dangerous conditions early, when they are still treatable. 2
Get Out and Get Physical!
Encourage men that you know to get out and get physical. The benefits of physical activity on health outcomes are extensive, and many people find it difficult to get motivated for physical activity on their own. Rather than simply telling someone to exercise, try joining them and encouraging change. 3 Join a recreation league at your local community center, sign up for group personal training sessions to get fit together, or simply make a routine out of regular walks. Any exercise is good exercise.
A Few Tips For Men:
How to Make a Change this Month:
Preventive Care Benefits
All Marketplace health plans and several other plans must cover preventative screening services. Some of the preventative measures covered for men are as follows: 5