Health Plan Resources

The below are links to your Health Plan 24/7 NurseLine options.

Call your physician for advice and direction when possible. The Health Plans listed below offer 24-hour consultation and can advise you whether to go to an urgent care or wait until your doctor’s office opens. In an emergency situation, always call 911 first.

Nurse Line 1-855-772-9076


24 hours a day,

7 days a week


TTY: 1-800-368-4424

24 Hours a Day,

7 Days a Week

Members can call the Nurse Advice Line with health questions.

English: (888) 275-8750

Spanish: (866) 648-3537

Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 7-1-1

or (866) 735-2929

The below are links to your Health Plan Transportation options.


If you have an emergency, call 911 for an ambulance. We cover ambulance rides in a medical emergency for all members.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

You are entitled to use Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) when you physically or medically are not able to get to your medical appointment by car, bus, train, or taxi, and the plan pays for your medical or physical condition.

NEMT must be used when it is:

  • Physically or medically needed as determined with a written prescription by a physician; or
  • You are not able to physically or medically use a bus, taxi, car or van to get to your appointment;
  • Approved in advance by your plan with a written prescription by a physician.

Non-Medical Transportation

You can use non-medical transportation (NMT) when you are traveling to and from a covered Medi-Cal appointment.

Before getting NMT, you need to request the service through your doctor.

NMT includes:

Please call Aetna Better Health at 1-855-772-9076 at least three (3) business days (Monday-Friday)

 24 hours a day,
before your appointment or call as soon as you can when you have an urgent appointment

It is important to call 3 days in advance of your appointment to schedule the transportation.
Secure Transportation contact information:Reservation Number:
(844) 644-6363 TTY: 711

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