It takes a lot of effort, teamwork and resources to become a successful quality driven physicians. We want to reward those efforts by providing a performance based incentive program.
Sierra Health Alerts Messaging
It takes a lot of effort, teamwork and resources to become a successful quality driven physicians. We want to reward those efforts by providing a performance based incentive program.
Point of Care Rewards
Want to have a quality clinic day or reward members that are making strong efforts to stay healthy? We can help fund rewards to improve participation at these events or to help reduce no show rates for quality-based appointments.
Post Cards Mailers
Send your members reminders for visits or recommendations about quality care. We provide everything needed to provide this service.
Brochures and Posters
Our marketing team has engineered eye catching and action invoking materials to display in your office to help improve patient engagement.
Help your members make their appointment. Our health plan partners offer transportation services to scheduled members to help reduce no shows.
Atlas Data Warehouse
All our HEDIS and Quality reports are processed in a system that scrubs Gaps in care against multiple data sources daily. For example
EMR Data
Prescription Data
Lab Data
Health Plan Gaps in Care
CAIRS immunization Registry
Encounter/Claim Data
This allows us to deliver the most up to date reports and reduce duplicate efforts. Contact your provider relations associate to get access to this account or contact us at
Open Authorizations
Quality care does not require referrals, however many specialist will require a tracking mechanism to send back results of imaging or labs to you. We can help relieve the process effort and duration with our open auth program.
Contact us by phone 916-407-2000
or email HEDIS
to get details of the entire HEDIS Toolkit and participate in our HEDIS and Quality programs.
Useful links
Contact info
Sacramento Office:
1420 River Park Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95815
Mailing Address:
PO Box 869140, Plano, TX 75086
Newsletter Subscription
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